To begin teaching preschoolers the basic colors: blue, black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, purple, and white. The following exercise is a way that you can teach preschoolers the basic colors.
You need a set of flash cards that show the basic colors and teach one preschooler at a time. For example, let’s say you want to start with blue. You will show the preschooler the blue card and say as you point to the card: This is blue; say blue; point to blue. The preschooler will repeat what you say. You will do this three times before you proceed to the next color.
When the preschooler has learned blue, you can continue with another color using the same exercise. You also want to review the previous colors along with learning the new color. For example, while you teach the new color, you can point to the previous color and ask them: What color is this? They should remember the color you just taught them. If they don’t, you will need to teach the color again.
You continue this process until you have taught the preschooler the basic colors.
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